---clamp ---@param v number @number ---@param Min number @min ---@param Max number @max ---@return number @clamp v between Min and Max function math.clamp(v, Min, Max) Min = math.min(Min, Max) Max = math.max(Min, Max) if v < Min then return Min end if v > Max then return Max end return v end ---clamp ---@param a number @First number to compare ---@param b number @Second number to compare ---@param Tolerance number @Maximum allowed difference for considering them as 'nearly equal' ---@return boolean @true if a and b are nearly equal function math.isNearlyEqual(a, b, Tolerance) if Tolerance == nil then Tolerance = 0.01 end return math.abs(a - b) <= Tolerance end --- 获取圆上一点与圆心连接的线形成 θ 角度的另一个点(顺时针) ---@param o FVector2D 圆点所在坐标 ---@param r float 圆的半径 ---@param p FVector2D 圆上的一点 ---@param t float 跟