import os from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter import re import shutil def remove_lua_comments(lua_script: str) -> str: # 使用正则表达式去除多行注释 lua_script = re.sub(r'--+ *\[=*\[.*?]=*]', '', lua_script, flags=re.DOTALL) # 使用正则表达式去除单行注释 lua_script = re.sub(r'--.*$', '', lua_script, flags=re.MULTILINE) return lua_script def extFileExtension(f: str) -> str: values: list = f.split('.') return values[len(values) - 1] # 加载文件夹中所有文件 def listFiles(path: str, ext: str | list) -> list[str]: files: list[str] = [] for filename in os.listdir(path): file_path = os.path.join(path, filename) localFileExt = extFileExtension(file_path) if os.path.isfile(file_path): if type(ext) is str: if localFileExt == ext: files.append(file_path) elif type(ext) is list: for i in ext: if i == localFileExt: files.append(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): for i in listFiles(file_path, ext): files.append(i) return files def to_one_line(filename: str) -> str: res = "" with open(file=filename, mode="r+", encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: line.replace("\n", " ") line.replace("\r", " ") if line.endswith("\\"): line.replace("\\", "\n") res += line file.close() return res def one_line(filecontent: str) -> str: filecontent = filecontent.replace("\n", " ") filecontent = filecontent.replace("\r\n", " ") filecontent = filecontent.replace("\r", " ") if filecontent.endswith("\\"): filecontent = filecontent.replace("\\", "\n") return filecontent def load_file(filename: str, encode) -> str: with open(file=filename, mode="r", encoding=encode) as f: res = f.close() return res # 判断文件是否存在,如果存在,则删除并重新创建;如果不存在,则创建 def file_exist(filename: str): if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) target_folder_path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(target_folder_path): os.makedirs(target_folder_path) with open(file=filename, mode="w") as f: f.close() def createFolder(foldername: str): if os.path.exists(foldername): return os.makedirs(foldername) def removeFiles(foldername: str): shutil.rmtree(foldername) def add_type(folder: str): files = listFiles(folder, 'lua') decode = 'utf-8' simple = '--Edit Below--' for i in files: with open(i, mode='r', encoding=decode) as f: content = f.close() # 说明当前是对应文件类 if content.startswith('---@class '): names = re.findall('---@class (.*):', content) if len(names) == 0: continue name = names[0] type_name = '---@type ' + name # 查找是否存在 @type if content.find(type_name) != -1: content = re.sub(simple + '\n' + type_name + '\r*\n*', simple + '\n' + type_name + '\n', content) with open(i, mode='w', encoding=decode) as g: g.write(content) g.close() continue content = content.replace(simple, simple + '\n' + type_name) content = re.sub(simple + '\n' + type_name + '\r*\n*', simple + '\n' + type_name + '\n', content) with open(i, mode='w', encoding=decode) as f: f.write(content) f.close() def write_to_file(filename: str, mode: str, content: str): with open(file=filename, mode=mode, encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(content) f.close() class FileInfo: lines: int filename: str def to_str(self): return 'lines = %d, filename = %s' % (self.lines, self.filename) # 按行读取文件,并放到表中 def file_to_map(file: str, file_map): if file_map is None: file_map = {} with open(file=file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: if line not in file_map: fi = FileInfo() fi.filename = file fi.lines = 1 file_map[line] = [fi] else: HadFound = False for i in file_map[line]: if i.filename == file: i.lines += 1 HadFound = True if not HadFound: fi = FileInfo() fi.filename = file fi.lines = 1 file_map[line].append(fi) f.close() return file_map def file_to_list(file: str, bRemoveComment): with open(file=file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = if bRemoveComment: content = remove_lua_comments(content) files_map = content.split('\n') f.close() return files_map def file_to_map1(file: str, file_map): if file_map is None: file_map = {} with open(file=file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = content = remove_lua_comments(content) line_list = content.split('\n') for line in line_list: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 7: if len(file_map) == 0 or line not in file_map: fi = FileInfo() fi.filename = file fi.lines = 1 file_map[line] = [fi] else: HadFound = False for i in file_map[line]: if i.filename == file: i.lines += 1 HadFound = True if not HadFound: fi = FileInfo() fi.filename = file fi.lines = 1 file_map[line].append(fi) f.close() return file_map def folder_to_map(folder: str, files_map: {str, FileInfo}) -> {str, FileInfo}: if files_map is None: files_map = {} files = listFiles(folder, 'lua') for i in files: file_to_map1(i, files_map) return files_map def files_to_map(files: list, files_map): for i in files: file_to_map1(i, files_map) # 对比两个文件 def compareFiles(file1: str, file2: str, filename: str): file1_map: {str, int} = {} file_to_map1(file1, file1_map) file2_map: {str, int} = {} file_to_map1(file2, file2_map) files = [] # with open(file=filename, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in file1_map.keys(): if i in file2_map.keys(): count1 = 0 for c in file1_map[i]: count1 += c.lines count2 = 0 for c in file2_map[i]: count2 += c.lines count = count2 if count1 > count2 else count1 s = 'file: %s\t\t %d\n' % (file2, count) files.append(s) # f.write(s) print(s) # f.close() return '\n'.join(files) class CompareItem: lua: str count: int files: str # 将 dict 转换成 列表 并排序 def map_to_list(m: dict): fileList = [] for i in m.keys(): item = CompareItem() item.lua = i item.count = 0 lists = [] for c in m[i]: item.count += c.lines lists.append(c.to_str()) item.files = '\n'.join(lists) fileList.append(item) fileList.sort(key=attrgetter('count'), reverse=True) return fileList class smae_line: file: str # 文件名 total: int # 总数 class same_line_item: lua: str folder1: str folder2: str # 对比两个文件夹 def compareFolders(folder1: str, folder2: str, filename: str): folder1_map = {} folder_to_map(folder1, folder1_map) # folder2_map = {} # folder_to_map(folder2, folder2_map) fileList = map_to_list(folder1_map) # sorted(fileList, key=attrgetter('count'), reverse=True) folder2_map = {} folder_to_map(folder2, folder2_map) fileList2 = map_to_list(folder2_map) sameList = [] with open(file=filename, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in folder2_map.keys(): if i in folder1_map.keys(): # 显示当前有多少行是相同的 count1 = 0 count2 = 0 arr1 = [] arr2 = [] for c in folder1_map[i]: count1 += c.lines arr1.append(c.to_str()) for d in folder2_map[i]: count2 += d.lines arr2.append(d.to_str()) f.write( '%s 在 %s 文件夹中出现 %d 次,在 %s 文件夹中出现 %d 次\n' % (i, folder2, count1, folder1, count2)) f.write('\n'.join(arr2)) f.write('\r\n') f.close() def compareFolders1(folder1: str, folder2: str, filename: str): folder1_map = {} folder_to_map(folder1, folder1_map) # fileList = map_to_list(folder1_map) folder2_map = {} folder_to_map(folder2, folder2_map) # fileList2 = map_to_list(folder2_map) lists = {} # with open(file=filename, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: # for i in folder2_map.keys(): # if i in folder1_map.keys(): # # f.close() # def compareFilesWithFilename(file1, file2): def getFileName(file: str): if file.find('\\') != -1: lists = file.split('\\') return lists[len(lists) - 1] elif file.find('/') != -1: lists = file.split('/') return lists[len(lists) - 1] else: return file def compareFolders2(folder1: str, folder2: str, filename: str): # 查询是否有一样的文件,如果有,那么就使用一样的文件;如果没有,那么就对比全局 files1 = listFiles(folder1, 'lua') files2 = listFiles(folder2, 'lua') foundFiles = [] notFoundFiles = [] for i in files2: fn = getFileName(i) hadFound = False for c in files1: if fn == getFileName(c): foundFiles.append([i, c]) hadFound = True break if not hadFound: notFoundFiles.append(i) folder1_notFound = [] # 针对发现的文件进行处理 for i in files1: if i not in foundFiles: folder1_notFound.append(i) with open(file=filename, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in foundFiles: f.write('\n') f.close() notFoundLines = {} # 将其他文件放入 # files_to_map(notFoundFiles, notFoundLines) def compareTwoFiles(file1: str, file2: str): # 1. 列举相同的文件 # 2. 对比相同的文件 # 比较两个文件有多少行是相同的 # 列举一个文件的所有行,然后依次对比另一个文件的所有行,如果相同 + 1,不同不管他 # 3. 对于不同的文件,加入到不同文件数组中进行比较 # 该数组中,相同行数 + 1 pass def replace_first_occurrence(text, old_word, new_word): index = text.find(old_word) if index != -1: return text[:index] + new_word + text[index + len(old_word):] else: return text def check_char(c, encode): code = c.encode(encode) print(code) print(encode, " code = ", code.hex())