---@class WB_HoldProcess_C:UUserWidget ---@field TextBlock_Hold UTextBlock ---@field WidgetSwitcher_Hold UWidgetSwitcher ---@field WidgetSwitcher_Team UWidgetSwitcher --Edit Below-- ---@type WB_HoldProcess_C local WB_HoldProcess = { bInitDoOnce = false; } function WB_HoldProcess:Construct() self:LuaInit(); end WB_HoldProcess.Colors = { [1] = { 0, 0.5, 1, }, [2] = { 1, 0.5, 0, }, } function WB_HoldProcess:LuaInit() if self.bInitDoOnce then return ; end UITool.ForeachAllChildren(self.WidgetSwitcher_Hold, function(index, Widget) Widget:SetPercent(0); end); self.bInitDoOnce = true; end function WB_HoldProcess:SetHoldTime(InTime, InTotal) self.WidgetSwitcher_Hold:SetActiveWidgetIndex(InTime < 0 and 0 or 1); self.WidgetSwitcher_Team:SetActiveWidgetIndex(InTime < 0 and 1 or 0); UGCLogSystem.Log("[WB_HoldProcess:SetHoldTime] InTime = %f, InTotal = %f", InTime, InTotal); InTime = math.abs(InTime); local Percent = InTime / InTotal; UITool.ForeachAllChildren(self.WidgetSwitcher_Hold, function(index, Widget) Widget:SetPercent(Percent); end); self.TextBlock_Hold:SetText(string.format('%0.1f/%0.f', InTime, InTotal)); end -- function WB_HoldProcess:Tick(MyGeometry, InDeltaTime) -- end -- function WB_HoldProcess:Destruct() -- end return WB_HoldProcess