37 lines
1.1 KiB
37 lines
1.1 KiB
---@class BTC_EquationInt_C:BTCondition_LuaBase
---@field BlackboardInt FBlackboardKeySelector
---@field TargetInt int32
--Edit Below--
local BTC_EquationInt = {}
-- -- called when testing if underlying node can be executed
function BTC_EquationInt:PerformConditionCheckAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn)
return BTFunctionLibrary.GetBlackboardValueAsInt(self, self.BlackboardInt) == self.TargetInt
-- -- tick function
-- function BTC_EquationInt:ReceiveTickAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn, DeltaSeconds)
-- end
-- -- called on execution of underlying node
-- function BTC_EquationInt:ReceiveExecutionStartAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn)
-- end
-- -- called when execution of underlying node is finished
-- function BTC_EquationInt:ReceiveExecutionFinishAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn, NodeResult)
-- end
-- -- called when observer is activated (flow controller)
-- function BTC_EquationInt:ReceiveObserverActivatedAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn)
-- end
-- -- called when observer is deactivated (flow controller)
-- function BTC_EquationInt:ReceiveObserverDeactivatedAI(OwnerController, ControlledPawn)
-- end
return BTC_EquationInt